A quote from Simpsons,
"The problem in the world today is communication. Too much communication."-Homer...
If you are a follower of Simpson's, you'd definitely know how SMART he really is... but for this one statement he made... though the context was completely different... I somehow do have to give the credit to him... ( by him, I mean MAT GROENING)...
Have you ever given a serious thought about this? What is really wrong with the world... is actually not you and me... it is the media... it is the communication... don't get me wrong... even write now, through this blog... M trying to communicate... M a big fan of communication...
but, what upsets me... are a few of the channels... few media sources... few magazines... the newspapers... everything which is limiting its own self and hence limiting our knowledge on the subject to mere interpretation of what they want to see... how they want us to see...
And yes the overkill they do on each every thing... just to make sure they hang on to the hype of "SENSATIONALISM"...
A few recent examples of what we hear in the name of 'Sensation'...
-a full day coverage on Pigeons who suffered coz of the 26-11 on India TV...
-a boy falling in a pit "the prince story"... oh cummon... haven't you fallen in a pit as a kid... and considering INDIA... this might as well be the story of every ten blocks... three days of national coverage... the boy's entire life (education etc.) is sponsored cause of the media hype... coz all everyone wanted to latch on to it in someway or another... ONE LUCKY FALL, I must say...
-Amitabh Bachchan falling sick and being admitted... god he's a 63+... Guys... no one guarantees a 100% health for a 25 yr old these days.... to bother so much about him...
beat this, a news flash reading, "Amitabh suffering from COLD"... who cares... man... really who cares... for all this crap...
-Aishwarya Rai spotted in a Temple... what the heck wass that... and Why should I know of it, when she visits the temple... when she goes for her honeymoon... how many times did she say I Love You on a V-day to Abhishek... or if she does a strip dance in public... (OK... about last one I need to know... but other than that... don't give a sh*t abt it/her)...
-Oh just remembered... there was a news coverage on a 'CAT' being stuck on a window roof... GOD...
-We have interviews of chai-wallas, rickshawwallas... anything and everything goes...
And these are just a few Top of Mind recalls... there are more of these... infact if u visit the recent archives of any news channel... or newspaper house... it is loaded with only these... and everyone who follows news would know... I hate the way they keep dumping us with more and more of this crap... on a daily basis... and we never get chance to react to the old ones...
For instance... we are still to take action against the 26-11... we are still to take action on the margao blasts... where is the corrective action for the train collisions...Where is the news on... NORTH EAST INDIA... have we totally forgotten these places... specially when survival is next to impossible in these regions... CHINA is eating up on the entire north east... and we bloody don't care... army men dying on hourly basis... that doesn't get reported... Sikkim is a lost state... for most parts we need permission to move from the neighbouring country to visit... and we don't report of all this... I mean... wtf...
We are fed with absolute crap on a daily basis... an overdose... of every other thing, but of what is important in real...
We even have an entire day dedicated to who is dating Katrina Kaif... or why did Kareena leave whoever it was... and if Saif tatooed her name or not... I mean... giving us absolute bull shit to read... to view... I mean...
I remeber, about 15-20 years back... we had doordarshan... and the news then was so bland... with pure reporting of whatever is happening in plain terms.... with a follow up on what happened on what was reported the day before... I agree it was dead boring... but News is supposed to be boring... we had more streamlined process... u wanted to read about film world... pick up filmfare or glamour... and now... with all the technological upgrade... weren't we supposed to grow better...
With an overdose... on each topic... I think we are forcefully subjected to think in a manner... that they want us to... instead of letting us have/form an opinion on our own... we are being tamed to their beliefs... their ideas... and to react in a way they want us too...
Anyways... to THINK of it...
"we have 'TOO MUCH' of the 'TOO LITTLE' of what we ought to know"