Nah... not talking of Blackgammon... for that matter not even a game related to cards...
I'm talking about the real Kings & Queens from yesteryear...
They came, they lived... lemme rephrase that...
"THEY CAME, THEY LIVED KINGSIZE... and when the time came... they took the call..."
The 3 J's of the 60's : JIMI, JANIS and JIM

(November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970)
Wiki's first few lines on Jimi,"an American guitarist, singer and songwriter whose guitar
playing was a considerable influence on rock music."... just an influence...eh???
Jimi Hendrix taught people that great music comes in all different forms.
As a young boy, whenever the chance came, Jimi would try to play along with his R & B records. However, music was not his life long dream. At first, the army was. In the late 1950's, Hendrix enlisted in the 101st Airborne Division. After sustaining a back injury during a jump, he received a medical discharge. After his army career came to an abrupt end, he decided to go into the music field. By this time he had become an accomplished guitarist, and was soon to become known as the greatest guitarist ever... while growing up Drugs become a major part of his life... he even got arrested for possession of drugs more than one times...
started his career in 1966 with an album called "Are you Experienced?"
His career spanned four years... and in these four years he became a legend... a legend for his new style, outrageous performances and his powerful lyrics which captivated his audiences...
Jimi though has escaped lost in time, however continues to influence many of the new age musicians... by just being what he was...
As a definition, on his one side he had serious drug and anger problems. This side of him, obviously the bad one, was not the side his fans thought of when they saw his poster on their wall, they thought of his flawless other side in which he was an amazing guitarist, song writer and performer... now that's a compliment...!!!
Jimi Lives on...

(January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970)
Rock and roll's first female superstar...started off early as a blues singer... only to realize later that her interest lies somewhere else, the creative hunger was close to be satiated... add to this the difference in opinion from the rest of the lot... the inability to deal with her teanage problems... at her school... a rebel at heart... drugs were an easy escape from the reality...
"I'm a victim of my own insides. There was a time when I wanted to know everything...It used to make me very unhappy, all that feeling. I just didn't know what to do with it. But now I've learned to make that feeling work for me. I'm full of emotion and I want a release, and if you're on stage and if it's really working and you've got the audience with you, it's a oneness you feel."
Dressed in the modest clothes, a tattoed wrist, and the bee-hive hair...
She did quit drugs for a really long time... and then the music happened... she struggled the initial years, but in 1968, with the album called "Cheap Thrills", she put forward her raw emotions... and the world connected...
She was there...
During the fall 1970, recording sessions for her next album "Pearl"... with Doors... Joplin died of an overdose of unusually pure heroin and alcohol... she was 27.
Did I just say DOORS?... the third J...

8 December 1943 – 3 July 1971
James Douglas Morrison... a poet, a song writer, a movie director... the lead singer for one of the greatest Bands, THE DOORS...
As a kid when driving with his family, witnessed a car accident in the desert, where a family of Native Americans were injured and possibly killed. The Morrison family, reportedly just drove past it, without bothering about it or stopping for aid... and the Lizard King was born...
Incidently, "the doors' is my favourite movie, would have seen it alteast 15-20 times, and you can see Jim thinking about the dying Indian by the roadside through his life...
Anyways... about Jim...
The doors, the bands name drew inspiration from a book called, "the doors of perception"... belive me the book sold gold...
“When the doors of perception are cleansed, things will appear to man as they truly are... infinite"
Drugs, alcohol and sex ... Spontaniety was what he believed and they way he lived his life...
Greatly influenced by the nineteenth century poet Arthur Rimbaud’s philosophy to the group... Morrison named himself the “Lizard King"
One of the most popular and influential singers/writers in rock history, and "The Doors" catalog has become a staple of classic rock radio stations. To this day, he is widely regarded as the prototypical rock star: surly, sexy, scandalous and mysterious. The leather trousers he was fond of wearing both onstage and off have since become stereotyped as rock star apparel...
Following the mysterious death of the then contemporaries, Jimi in Sept, 1970, and Janis in oct 1970, Jim always mentioned of him being the third in the list...
He was under treatment by a Paris physician who mercifully stated the cause of death as heart failure thus avoiding an autopsy. His death was kept secret leading to a conspiracy theory of a faked death. A Paris funeral service took charge and Jim Morrison was placed in a standard simple french veneered coffin and a direct burial was completed at the Famous Le Pere Lachaise Cemetery in eastern Paris.
He was just 27...
Well for me the Death of Jim Morrison is fake... cause he nevr did die... he can never die... he never will...
Did you notice the three J's, had all died at the age of 27... coincidence/conspiracy...
23 years later... there was another legend who died at the age of 27..."the K"

February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994
Lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the Seattle-based rock band Nirvana before committing suicide at his Seattle home in 1994.
Cobain formed the Band, Nirvana in 1987... just like the J's who had a span of 4-5 years... Nirvana came into limelight in the later part of 89...
Cobain, as is widely known, died at the same age as the 3J's did (27), from a self-inflicted gunshot wound...
Cobain Vs. Jimi : Revolutionaries
One of the most important factors in becoming a rock legend is bringing about a revolution, opening people to something bold and new. Kurt Cobain, along with his band, Nirvana, changed rock music forever. In a time when music was becoming mass-produced, emotionless muck, Cobain brought about something that was repulsively beautiful and alive. He introduced grunge rock to the world: music filled with screaming distortion, tremendous angst, and overwhelming passion rarely seen from the generation that invented the term “whatever.”
Jimi Hendrix taught people that great music comes in all different forms. Their greatest common characteristic was in how they ended the performance; they would completely trash the stage from which they played. Cobain had the ability to make thousands of slackers stand up and scream for more. Unlike Cobain, Hendrix wrote music to support and inspire his followers, as opposed to creating a method of shock treatment through music. For Jimi Hendrix, it was his guitar interpretation of the “National Anthem,” while Cobain’s was his first hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit. The lyrics from his most popular song describe a feeling which is still felt by the youth of America in schools all over the country: “Here we are now, entertain us. Although they both had numerous great hits, both had one great song that would characterize their music careers forever. Both have songs which remain on the top countdowns to this day, although Hendrix died almost 20 years ago and Cobain passed in 1994. Kurt Cobain failed to teach us anything, but he did wake up a sleepy generation. ”
Cobain & Jim: Poets of a generation
Even though it seems you cannot compare them you actually can... Unlike fictional writers their material comes more from their life experiences and feelings. Even though it was different things that affected each one you can still see a pattern of similarity between their lives. They both experienced hardships in their lives and also a few unexpected turns. There was a massive amount of stress put on their lives because not only did they have to worry about what they wrote but also what they said. Live performances were constantly being taped, there were interviews and television shows and specials, newspaper and magazine articles, and also public appearances. To them this also had to become a form of artistry. The publicity and fame that comes to band is far greater than any that would come to just one single writer. This was also a factor in their writings and maybe even in their tragic deaths.
Their great talents lead them quickly to stardom. And this stardom and their existing problems finally lead to their deaths. Their problems with drug abuse didn't help the others it was just another added problem that was also a great factor. They helped change the music world forever with their new styles and techniques.
I'm not going to watch the Doors for a long long time again... cause I do not have the strength to let go my body into the subconscious soul like these guys did... and every time I watch it, the after effect stays for long...
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