Today is 26th January-
The relevance:
On this day , in year 1950 the people of India adopted the Constitution of India and declared themselves as a democracy.
I don't intend to comment on the relevance, the implications, the interpretation, the positioning... the global political atmosphere etc.
Writing in this post, to remind us why this day was chosen... if you actually go back in history the Indian Constitution was written and ready in the November of 1949, but we waited for two months to declare ourselves as a Democracy... the answer is something that we all would have read as a part of the curriculum, but I'm not sure many would remember/recall...
In case you don't recollect read on...
Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre is recorded to be one of the most pivotal events in our struggle for freedom. This was one incident which stirred the nation, brought them together, what was until now an outrage against the Britishers in small pockets had strengthened grip... in year 1920, Gandhi ji along with fellow congressmen came together and committed themselves for " Swaraj"... this was later followed by the civil disobedience act, the non cooperation with the British Govt... then Simon Commission... in 1928, when Lal Lajpat Rai was killed... further uproar... and more outrage...
What followed was a stage of reforms and denial of the then Indian political parties by the British Govt.... this in turn helped the oto grow stronger and function as a unified body... the motion to uproot the British from the Indian soil grew stronger. As a revolt to all the British doings, the then congress members, the likes of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. C V Rajgopalachari, Nehru , Gandhi etc. pledged out the Declaration of Independence...on New Years Eve. This was then officially declared on 26th Jan 1930. and ever since 26th Jan was celebrated in India as Independence Day... till 15th August 1947 happened.
So, in order commemorate the 1930 declaration, the consitution though was ready, was to effect from Jan 26th, and now is celebrated as the Republic Day.
This is probably the only thing I remember from the History Books.
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