Guns N Roses...
1993 + 15 years - SLASH = Chinese Democracy
Rated as One of the greatest Rock Bands Ever...
until chinese democracy...
To be honest... I've been a GNR fan ever since... for me GNR is rock... and rock is GNR... and when I read GNR was planning to release an album... the wait... the desperation...
Was reading a review of the album in rolling stones... only to realise that it took 15 years to make... Since the time the band dissolved... I assumed no more GNR... also since I had a constant track of Mr. Slash... I assumed everyone else would have formed there own bands or moved on... MISTAKEN...
downloaded it... and now...
K before I begin, GNR without Hish highness,Slash... is just another rock band... with Axl as lead... just like Vevelt Revolver lives on Slash's... I should have assumed GNR to live on Axls... wronged again... I was still expecting magic...
The Band: Axl Rose, Robin Finck and "the buckethead"...
based upon all the reviews I am expecting this to be one of those heavy of on Studio Engineered music than that of the authentic riffs...
Here's a track by track, blow by blow... run down.
1. Chinese Democracy
It don't really matter
I guess you'll find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
So you can hear it now from somebody else
Starts with subtle sirens and some chinese crap... and followed by the riffs... for which I've been desperate to hear... though the riff does sounds a lot like "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by the Scorpions... and slowly the guitars kick in... and it latches on to you... rocks pretty hard.
Rating : 7/10
2. Shackler's Revenge
Don't ever try to tell me, how much you care for me
Don't ever try to tell me, how you were there for me
I don't believe there's a reason (I don't, I don't believe it)
I don't believe there's a reason (I sure, I don't believe it)
More on the digitally worked song's... may be the one... the Rolling Stone described, as te Studio song... I just couldn't get enough of the lyrics...
Rating : 8/10
3. Better
So bittersweet, this tragedy won't ask for absolution,
This melody inside of me, still searches for solution,
A twist of faith, a change of heart kills my infatuation,
A broken heart provides the spark for my determination.
I kinda fell in love with the lines mentioned... but when I heard the song... all the digital noise... makes it more of a pop than a pure rock... but I just love the lyrics of this one...
Rating : 9/10
4. Street of Dreams
To the feelings that I felt I saved for you and no one else And though as long as this road seems I know it's called the street of dreams But that's not stardust on my feet It leaves a taste that's bittersweet That's called the blues
Bring me back the GNR from 90's... and Sweet dreams it is for you... can be classified more of blues than anything... the guitar does give a feel of Slash's... but the words couldn't quite paint
Rating 6/10
5. If the World
I never knew the way that you looked at me Would ever mean so much to me But in my heart I found The feelin's that I've never shown And now they've Got the best of me
No comments
Ratings : 4/10
6. There was a Time
Broken glass and cigarettes Writin' on the wall It was a bargain for the summer An I thought I had it all I was the one who gave you everything The one who took the fall You were the one who would do anything The one who can't recall
A ballad of course... Metal ballad... plays on for almost 7 minutes... Catchy
Rating : 7.5/10
7. Catcher in the Rye
When all is said and done We're not the only ones Who look at life this way That's what the old folks say But every time I'd see them Makes me wish I had a gun If I thought that I was crazy Well I guess I'd have more fun
Just another song... I'd wanna skip through...
Rating : 4/10
8. Scraped
Don't you try to stop us now I just refuse Don't you try to stop us now 'Cause I just won't let you
M gonna skip this one too...
Rating : 4/10
9. Riad n' The Bedouins
All my salvation and All my frustration Caught in the lies And if your at home as well Somewhere in time where only I can tell
I refuse to comment
Rating : I refuse to rate it...
10. Sorry
You like to hurt me
You know that you do
You like to think
In some way
That it's me
And not you
One of the stronger songs on the album... Slower paced... sludge style riff. Perhaps the only negative is that at over six minutes, the track goes just that little bit to long. 7/10
11. I.R.S.
All the reasons that you gave
I'd follow you
To where you'd lead
And if that'd be
The end of time, it's true
This one can almost sit with some of the older Guns 'n' Roses material... remininsence...
Rating : 7/10
12. Madagascar
I won't be told anymore That I've been brought down in this storm And left so far out from the shore But I can't find my way back, my way anymore
the last line says it all... too much effort... but all in vain... GNR in pieces is not GNR at all...
Rating : 5/10
13. This I Love
And now I don't know why
She wouldn't say goodbye
But then it seems that I
Had seen it in her eyes.
And it might not be wise
I'd still have to try
With all the love I have inside
I can't deny
I just can't let it die
Cause her heart's just like mine
And she holds her pain inside
my "november rain" for this album... a piano driven ballad... the best of this album... though November Rain still stays the top... this one's amazing too...
Rating : 9/10
14. Prostitute
If my intentions are misunderstood
Please be kind
I've done all I should
I won't ask of you
What I would not do
Oh, I saw the damage in you
My fortunate one
The envy of youth
A perfect album closer...
Rating : 8/10
In summary
It's really not fair to compare Chinese Democracy to any of the previous Guns 'n' Roses albums, largely due to the fact that this is not the same band. It's Axl Rose with some top class hired guns.
Lets be honest, there's nothing on this album that stands up against tracks like Don't Cry, Sweet Child 'O Mine, Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise city or November Rain... but it does sport a few good ones... esp the This I love... Shackler's revenge
But for the casual Guns N’ Roses fan or the general public, this is a very solid modern rock. Does it have its flaws? Of course it has... Is it worth the Money... download it ...
It would be crazy if one who isn't getting enough random stuff to read starts feeling bored! no music either. and people talk of music. peace. november rain is crazy and history and a mania, and masakkali not released. height of it all! sleep and peace.
"...." four dots and the story unfolds....
dinn quite get it...
U Ok?
I Okay!
masakali is finally out. I didn't mean anything in particular though indirectly I had or I'm not even sure if I had, asked for a new post. Read the new post, somebody suggested me to watch slumdog millionaire today only and he advocated it so strongly that I had almost decided I'll watch it on sunday. However, I may not find time on Sunday, and readign your review, I really have a double mind regarding that. perhaps will have to watch and see it for myself how I find it.
MasakAli, infact whole of the album is good and RAHMAN winning the award!! Long Live Rahman! i'm such a die hard fan, I don't even know how to react if someone writes something like this. I haven't listened to Jai Ho, however Rahman truly deserves that award and Jai Ho def. would be good. It sounds bad when I think of it but it's true that I'm so biased regarding certain things. and Rahman is definitely one of them. Long live he, regards.
ps: Is it wrong if a reader asks for more posts? taking it this way that a blog is a writer's personal journal, the writer definitely has the freedom to write whatever and whenever he/she feels like. I think that's unfair to ask for more posts. I'm sorry for that weird previous comment. Not that you'll write more frequently if some of the readers ask you to, of course you aren't obliged for that, but asking for that in itself is wrong. serious apologies, I feel I'm disturbing the peace of this page. will stay quiet. peace.
hey "...." four dots and the story unfolds....!!!!
In reference to the first two paras of the comment... u shud please watch this movie as many of my other friends feel the same... that the movie rocks... and porbably that's why i was compelled to see it... abt the review i wrote... m entitled to an opinion...
Abt rahman... i think he's a genius... and i just don't want him to take this award as a achievement of his life... if u ask me, i think he himself wud be more proud of the other stuff he's played so far... but that's again colored with my perspective... but no one can surely deny him of his Brilliance...
Respect for that man...
Abt the last para...
seems like u've been following the blog... and u wud know that there ain't much action anyways... and since u also blog... u'd know that being read... or being a part of a conversation is all that a writer needs... his motivation... so ur comments are welcome... ur anxiousness... even more so...
and to u... thanx for bringing this blog to...
waiting for more frequent visits...comments...
more frequent visits? that's hilarius. I hate it when I spend so much of time here and there. However, I always have to get into the right mindset before I can concentrate over something serious. Reading blogs/articles is one of those things which get me into it.
I already visit all the blogs that I visit very frequently. Rahman Is Great and I will wait for this movie to come to me, rather than taking out time and going for it. will see when it happens. peace.
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