Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Excuses are Still Excuses

"It is essential to understand that battles are primarily won in the hearts of men."
- Vince Lombardi

About me : There is another person who lives inside of me... who comes alive every now & then.. the one who is completely different than me...

I live in constant feud with myself ... the question... "To Be who You Are Born To Be" or "To Be What You've Become"...

- what will others think of me
- who am I dissappointing
- who else is going to get affected
- Am I not doing good enough for myself
- Is the compromise a chance I am willing to take
- Do I have it in me to go all the way
- Is it all worth the effort
- What if I am wrong
- What if I fail

Some answers are straight forward, some are probably a bit more twisted... some we agree upon and some we totally disconnect...

Many people suffer from this syndrome, a state of living of others dreams and others wishes... then there are a few living, exactly the way they wanted to...Lucky Bastards

Anyways off late, most people I've spoken to fall in the first category... almost everyone has this urge, this desire to chase a dream which is totally different from what they are doing... things they are passionate about... the solace, the peace when doing it... the things where the heart lies... things they feel they know they should be doing... the things one feels he's born to do...

Ask them, the fear is more or less similar, if not the same...

They all have a reasonable excuse(s) for not following their heart, their dreams...

I have mine too...

Yet despite these reasonable excuses, one cannot change who they are… who they were born to be...

No matter how old you grow... how far you've moved... what you've achieved... a brief let in into these... and the old fire ignites... the desperation seeps in... the passion never dies...

Today, I was reading a story about this guy, who dreamed of being a locally held soccer tournament’s champion. From the time he was a child, he was swift and agile, with an obvious athletic gift. During his schooling years... he played in quite a few tournaments... though his team never won anything, but was always amongst the top teams and regarded as the best player locally...
Anyways when he went to the grad school... dedicated himself to the sports... he was named the soccer team captain... and during one of the practice matches for a major tournament... he tore a ligament... and couldn't continue playing... he came back the next season... he wasn't in the best of speeds and the agility was a question as well... was scared of giving in... feared he might injure himself more seriously... and might lose out to future prospects of playing a coach to the home team in future... his team was losing like never before...

Witnessing this and knowing the turmoil inside... he was more desperate than ever… he always knew he had it in him... soccer was his passion... the anxiety of the game… the emotions...

He just couldn't take it any longer… the mere thought of this injury beating him to his passion... continuously kept dragging him into his own shelf…

So just before the tournament started, he decided he had enough and had to break out of this…

He pulled himself together... requested his coach to place him in the line up... he started attending practice sessions... he worked hard in his physical training sessions... and with his game improving with the practice sessions... manage to play the critical games for his team... the team went ahead to play till the finals of the tournament and were placed second.

Even though he didn't win the most desired tournament, but he walked away knowing he’d gained so much more...

In his words...
“In the end, I knew I did exactly what I was born to do, using every capability contained inside of me.”


This also reminds... of someone... who did make the Biggest comebacks ever... Saurav Ganguly... but that's another story...

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