Friday, November 28, 2008


26/11... by far the scariest moment of life of many...

I only have one f*ckin Question, how much hatred can you seed in... how much... ?

right now in my head...

1. relieved for someone i know is now (hopefully) safe... after an 48 hr ordeal

2. i'm bloody pissed at the politicians... who are using this as an opportunity

3. I want a blood bath if that's what it takes to shshsh this ravageness... once and for all...

4. I feel sorry for all those *&^%@&(@))@__ who... inspite of everything going right run into these so called spiritual talkers... indoctrined... get ready to lay down their life for nothing... and I hate those *&^%@&(@))@__*&*)())... who... talk them into all these...

5. helpless... mad at myself... for there is so much happening... and I sit here...not able to do anything... playing an audience to this...

[p.s. the swear words have been curtained and not censored coz... I'm still thinking of something that bad which fits in here... all the existing swear words are understatementz]

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