Sunday, January 4, 2009

"What doesn't Kill you, Makes you Stronger"

Too many times...

I've just had too much of this axiom "What doesn't Kill you, Makes you Stronger"...

The occasions differ, the essence differed... and so did how I interpreted it... and if ( at all) it made any difference to me... or not...

But still... I guess I'm still to come to terms with this axiom...


In many cases, dealing with life's problems will indeed help create a stronger person... there are times, however, when this may not be true.

In the course of our existence... some of us have encountered devastating losses... heartbreaking experiences... and tumultuous issues. In the moments facing challenge... when our concentration is focused on overcoming obstacles or coping with loss... I'm not very sure how many of us think / ponder upon the idea of what we can achieve or what it has in its offing. Especially when most of our disappointments are merely the result of discovering or confirming that expectations or assumptions were incorrect.

Challenges in relationships, career, and personal development... constant fight against time... for every new step... calls for time, effort... and money ( in some cases).

I wonder... how many of us study the obstacles and adjust accordingly... how many are willing to take a new path... Hell... how many of us have the option for a new beginning... how many are left to chance for personal discoveries...

How many are ready to cope with their heartbreak (seriously... how many times can one go through this...)... how many have that back up plan... ( for your insurance has just died off... and you are left broke)... how many of us have the chance to correct that decision of a split second... for what has resulted can be corrected / worked around)...

I admit setbacks and challenges cannot beat you, but you can't always use them to make you stronger.

On a much more personal level, how often do we let the little things get in our way?

How many of us train ourselves... to adjust our perception... to manage the minor inconveniences and seemingly devastating small challenges of day to day life... and consider them as training/ stepping stones to overcome bigger challenges that we may (hopefully may never) encounter tomorrow?

To end, I read these lines somewhere :

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know that just to be alive is a grand thing." - Agatha Christie

But my Question is..

Is this enough ...

[P.S: I'm not trying to be cynical... I've had my shares of ups & downs of my life... I've learnt my lessons from a few and hoping to recover from few... right now, I'm just Questioning the relevance ...]

- 100th one


.... said...

I was about to comment here, but somehow that slipped out of my head. Something happened and I was reminded of it, came back to the page and read it.

there's a turmoil. In response to: "How many of us train ourselves... to adjust our perception... to manage the minor inconveniences and seemingly devastating small challenges of day to day life... and consider them as training/ stepping stones to overcome bigger challenges that we may (hopefully may never) encounter tomorrow?"

Each one must do that. If not we, who else? I fall. I fell infact today itself. I'm having mixed feelings. I can cry at the mistake I did, I don't even know how much I'll have to pay for it, OR I can smile (the way I'm doing abhi) and keep the belief in myself high, thank God that I still did good (in the eyes of world). It's completely in my hands how I look at the situation. There can be after effects. We are all human. We feel the pinch when we commit some mistake. It is normal to feel the little bit of sadness that I'm feeling. However, at the same time I must not spread this sadness around me through my words/actions/or even from the vibes I generate. That struggle goes inside. We all can become downright selfish or we can actually rise to a level where we're more concerned, more rational, more matured in our ways of dealing with life/people/situations. It is strange that a couple of years back, I would've hated listening anything of this sort from anyone. The words like madness, getting crazy for things/ideas, insanity all these had become such a crucial part of me. I still can not figure out what brought the changes. The changes in how I look at life are so stark. As if suddenly, I'm a grown up, responsible for all my actions and thoughts, not to others, but to a part of me only. It neither feels good, nor bad, but there's a peace in it, there's a smile that is almost glued to my face now and no matter how I do, what sort of mistakes I make, whether I'm sad or happy, that smile stays. And strangely, that smile isn't fake at all. It is as if something quietly watches it all, it knows there's so much more to learn, there's so much to improve upon, and when it sees me struggling for that, it smiles at the stupid conflicts I struggle with.

coming back to this post, It's lovely. the conclusion/questions raised can be taken in many ways, but as I read it today, I was able to relate to it. Always had the answers, but articulating them does make our beliefs more entrenched.
a respite when there's so much work to do.
May God bless bless all.

Psyched said...

hey "...."

that's how i'd refer you
feel bad learning that you just fell...

not gonna probe you on... what happened and who did what...

the point is... it's not always that you can learn...

and it doesn't matter how many tyms you fall... coz everytime u fall it still does pain... except for the fact that you know... u've been down and u were back up... scarred or unscathed... just hopin... u'd be gettin back up soon...

Also, curious... do u mind introducin... urslf... and to urs...

.... said...

I can not quantify how much I agree or disagree. I know what you said, however something stops me from taking it that way. Don't know what. I know the mistake I did, however sometimes we've to trust that supreme power. Butterfly Effect or the chaos theory if you know what it is. There are signs and signals, and then are situations where we stand clueless. How we take that very next step is crucial. Everything else will follow.

regarding introduction, even you're an anonymous and even I don't have a name to address you, won't like calling anyone psyched for that matter, but I think it is perfect and suffices well. I just visit this page once in a few days, not for anything specific, may be just to divert my mind.

Read post about fight club, I remember reading the book, which was followed by watching the movie. For unknown reasons, I loved the book a lot more than the movie. May be I found it more descriptive. Thanks for refreshing its memory.

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