Friday, March 13, 2009

random ramblings

"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind.
I have to believe that my actions still have meaning. Even if I can't remember them.
I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still here.
Do I believe the world's still here? Is it still out there?"


.... said...

yeah, we all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different:)

Psyched said...

the question is how to get out of the image...

.... said...

the comment above was just the completion of the dialogue from the movie.

i think there's no need to stress one's head so much and move into all these philosophies wherein we first formulate difficult questions and then hunt for answers:)

on a second thought, there's an answer to every query. I can write and go on and on and explain. However, there's a paradox in it. It has to construed not through mind but through our sub-conscious. and if we try to explain, we're bound to use words, which can only explain thoughts which are comprehended through mind, and cant explain the insights. try vipassana if you really are interested, and if it's just some random rambling (which of course it seems to be), then go back to my first reply and maybe, conk off.

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