Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Unborn

I think Hollywood directors need to be re-trained on how horror movies are to be made... coz this one... is as bad as it can get... I was bored in the first 20 mins of the movie... and had to drag through the remaining...

To be honest, I was constantly telling myself... if ur not act at least act scared, that might help to add... but nah... the movie was as bad as it gets...

I'm still to find pace with the story... in fact I'm still searching for whatever the director wanted to show...

Such a waste of time...


Rating : 1/10


.... said...

feeling like an alien here:)
so many posts that I've missed.
btw, just wondering, why you gave it 1 and not a 0?

ps: haven't watched, dont intend to watch it either.

pps: how've you been?

.... said...

why don't you disable this approval thing?

Psyched said...

coz there are times when d spam attack happens...

Psyched said...

@ "....": m doing gud dear...
u ain't online these days?

Dinn give it zero coz... m sure there are more pathetic movies than this one...

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